Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vegan cookies for the ostomate's soul

So, Eli is active in the community and as his supportive wife, I occasionally have to make things for his meetings. This week was a brain-storming meeting for his urban hikes and quite often the hikers or interested parties are vegans. If you know me, you know I CAN NOT LIVE without dairy! I love cheese way too much! But I'm happy to oblige the little vegans.

What I came across was not only a vegan friendly cookie but also a cookie that thickens up my stool. Did this little story just go south? Sorry, but I put ostomate in title... :) In my cookbook they are called Peanut butter-oatmeal rounds but I call them a little dollop of heaven.

Here is the recipe with the original animal products and the vegan substitutes.
3/4 cup butter, soften (I used mashed bananas)
1/2 cup peanut butter (I used sm
ooth because nuts can cause blockages)
1 cup granulated sugar (I did half sugar half splenda)

1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda
2 eggs (I estimated two eggs worth of apple sauce)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 & 1/4 cup all purpose flour

2 cups rolled oats (I don't really know what rolled oats are so I just grabbed some plain instant oats from the cupboard)

and the recipe calls for 1 cup of chopped peanuts but I didn't us them... blockages.

In a large mixing bowl beat butter (or bananas) and peanut butter on medium high for like 30 seconds. Add sugar, brown sugar, baking powder and baking soda- beat until combined. Beat in eggs (or apple sauce) and vanilla. Then beat in as much of the flour as you can then mix in any left over. Stir in the oats and peanuts if you are using them. Dollop a heaping tablespoon full about two inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake on 375 for 10-13 minutes. The bottoms should get lightly golden... Ummmmm Of course Eli made me put in some chocolate so we used dark chips and they worked out nicely.

Enjoy! :)

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